Newsletter | Volume 1

Issue I
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12 Reasons to attend the 7th annual GRC Summit by Copenhagen Compliance

Why do so many good governance, risk management, compliance, IT and audit practitioners select the Annual Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and IT security (GRC) Conference as their primary source of updates and information?

The answer in fact is relatively straightforward. - We provide topical and timely information to practitioners and professionals to become comply conscious with the constantly evolving global mandates, regulations and standards, related to good governance, risk management, compliance and audit.

The organizers prepare and engage the participants in the preparation of the program and ruthlessly focus on key regulatory and compliance issues. Our principal focus is related to financial reporting, regulatory enforcement, corporate governance, enterprise risk management, IT security and related global issues. The regular issuance of a newsletter is one example.
  1. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is one of the biggest challenges facing our business. to manage successful reorganizations and have control of all risks and governance and IT security issues in place.
  2. The current business environment provides limited growth. Focus on accountability, transparency and GRC engagement to provide growth and values.
  3. Connect all stakeholders because accountability and transparency across functions in our complex global operations provides solutions to challenges on how we are prepared to deal with compliance
  4. Recruit knowledable employees at all levels of the business. GRC is not only about managers and GRC professionals and executives.
  5. The new IT tools come with a new breed of applications can be used on iPads and Tablets using graphics, minimizing text, making navigation intuitive, using social technologies, engaging employees with e-learning tools.
  6. The GRC platform needs to correspond to the complex compliance and oversight demands we face. We need to focus on embedding and integrating our GRC design and platform to change.
  7. Integrate IT with other systems, business processes, applications and data. Do not miss the train due to the multiple IT platforms.
  8. what the organizations needs is guidance on how to improve GRC solutions that deliver better communications on what we do and how we do it more effectively, to all stakeholders
  9. The overreach, growth and changes in GRC regulations, globalization issues, distributed 3rd party issues, changing processes, the speed in with dynamic business relationships are altering our outdated and disruptive legacy technology, and business intelligence provides significant challenges to so many of us
  10. A comprehensive review of our holistic GRC awareness across operations, processes, relationships, systems, and data. We need a scenario that combines the moving vision of risk and its impact on performance and strategy. How can we realize that is another issue that will be covered at the conference.
  11. Compliance interactions, process relationships and risk management across strategy, process, transactions, information, and technology will provide a whole new set of operating guidelines and allow time for the real growth issues on profitability.
  12. At the 7th annual GRC Summit we will allow the GRC processes into IT structure that effectively unites our strategy, process, and IT technology into an integrated GRC model, instead of the disparate systems, processes, and information we currently have. See you on the 23rd and the 24th September in Copenhagen.