Newsletter | Volume 1

Issue I
Issue II
Issue III
Issue IV
Issue V
Issue VI
Issue VII
Issue VIII
Issue IX
Issue X
Issue XI
Issue XII
Issue XIII
Issue XIV
Issue XV
Issue XVI
Issue XVII
Issue XIX
Issue XX
Issue XXI
Issue XXII
Issue XXIV
Issue XXV
Issue XXVI

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An organisation that lacks integrity is headed for a disaster; and management is at a loss for respect, values and reputation

Integrity must be at the core of corporate conduct if management can lead and inspire confidence in the departments, teams and employees. Management, leadership and the success of business is based on relationships. Ethics lays the cornerstone of the corporate performance. Combined can Ethics and Integrity issues raise the performance bar to new heights of good Governance, Risk Management and Compliance values.

Integrity is the foundation of governance and ethics can influence what the business can achieve in terms of stakeholder approval, profits and business development. Copenhagen Compliance® has created a system to measure, assess and improve the group and members' ethics and integrity in their corporate dealings, interactions and processes.

In every aspect of our corporate lives, we depend on the integrity of others, and others expect ethical behavior from us. The basic components of our routine intyeractins are based on agreements, fairness, do the work, and to play by the rules. Thefore it is a big deal when there is a breach of integrity and the interaction bends the agreement, lies or does not play by the rules.

The Honor Code
During the workshop we can create a customised code of honor with visible representation of the kind of responsible and accountable people that we want to be and to represent to each other and the stakeholders. We go thru examples and scenario for dishonesty, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do. How the corporations shared ethics: honesty and trustworthiness and a refusal to allow individual members of the group to compromise the integrity of the whole.

Each trade or profession has its own ethical code to ensure the integrity of the vocation is adhered to. Aditional components safety, health, and welfare of the public and the civic responsibility are other modules that set the professional ethics set standards so the public can trust individual members, the group and company can deliver value to all stakeholders with respect and honor.

After the workshop the participant becomes an integral part of the whole, building a shared sense of mission, vision and belonging to the virtues of the team. And hold their personal honor and professional ethics above any temporary value. Become leaders that the rest of the staff willingly follow even when the going gets tough.

After the workshop participation, management and employees will be able to:
  • Define good conduct based on the set tone-from-the-top
  • renew consumer trust through innovative product design and provide them with the needed services
  • become customer centric by embedding a clear culture of the validated change strategy
  • gain a competitive edge by using the digitalisation and disruption component of employee participation.

Integrity is fundamental to any leadership discussion because, without it, there can be no trust between leader and team or among team members themselves. With integrity as the cornerstone, teams can achieve great things together. Call us to hear more about a workshop, seminar or a training session.