CopenhagenCompliance® focuses on all Major European and international Compliance, Risk and Governance issues. This is your opportunity to focus on the issues that are important to your organization. Copenhagen Compliance will provide new strategies for handling enterprise Compliance Risk and Governance management, EuroSox, IT security & controls, Best practices, Sarbanes-Oxley, Internal Controls, ethics and integrity, corporate governance, and more.

Countess Alexandra

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Jens Hald Madsen
Member of the Danish Parliament, the Liberal Party Venstre
Foreign Policy Spokesman
Vice - chairman of the Defence Committee

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Dr. Anthony Tarantino

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Steen Thomsen
Professor Ph.D. Director of the Center for Corporate Governance CBS

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PhD Jan Nygaard Nielsen
Managing Architect

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Poul Erik Moelgaard Rasmussen
Head of Corporate Governance & Compliance
IBM Global Business Services

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Kersi F. Porbunderwalla
Managing Partner
GRC Controllers

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Hege Sjø
Head of the Scandinavian Corporate Governance Team
Hermes Investment Ltd, London

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Jens Røder
State Authorised Public Accountant

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Peder Michael Pruzan-Jørgensen
MSc. PricewaterhouseCoopers

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Arthur Izeboud
Research project Leader, Global Professionals. Amsterdam

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Compliance . . . All stock-listed companies have to live with it . . . you can't live without it. Therefore gain knowledge on how to manage Compliance. Improve your company’s ability to add value and help improve your organization's Compliance management programs. Control processes by attending the courses, seminars and conferences offered by the unique events of CopenhagenCompliance®.

  • How the world's most sophisticated companies dealing with the compliance challenge.
  • How can your company ensure that it is not investing in the areas where it is most at risk?
  • How can you demonstrate that your company is getting the best return on its compliance Euros?
  • How are your competitors actively measuring and improving their compliance processes?