IT Risk and Compliance Management – programmed, automated and simplifie

The Focus of one ½ day session of the 2 day Copenhagen Compliance Conference will examine the perils and realities several IT issues such as data storage, data security and security risks, cloud computing.

It is sometimes alarming that even professionals continue to manage risk management and compliance activities in Excel spreadsheets without minimum of security.

The IT session at the conference will focus on issues like: the latest regulatory changes, practical, legal and unanticipated concerns with cloud computing and similar new technologies and the use of IT Tools as a database for security and easy retrieval.

Implementation of wise compliance programs, prudent employee policies, staying safe on the rapidly changing IT platforms, structuring policies and documentation, congregating the fluffy terrain of Cloud Computing are some of the other issues that will be presented at the Copenhagen compliance Conference.

Further on the 8th of April, there will be a demo of some of the IT Tools that are available on the market that focus on:
  • Multilingual platform that offers Risk and Compliance Management across all standards that can be enforced by controls.
  • Server based multiuser tool, used to define policies and procedures, and ensure compliance by scheduled controls.
  • The software supports manual controls as well as automated data collection.