The Storyline of the Copenhagen Compliance Conference

Mr. GEORGE RISKIT, Chairman of the board
Mrs. Caroline Moneypenny, CFO in charge of Compliance
Ms. ITA, IT Manager

INT. Large Office - Desk

GEORGE RISKIT, Chairman of the board of Global Mining, around 50, dressed immaculately in a blue pin striped suit, sits at his desk reading his company spread sheet. A pained look of worry is across his face.

He crumples a piece of paper, tosses it in a nearby trashcan and then leans back in his chair and rubs his eyes. He scans his desk and a bright red brochure catches his eye. He picks it up and begins to read:

"GRC SUMMIT in Copenhagen", June 6th & 7th.

GEORGE picks up the phone to call the company CEO, ROBERT M. ICOMPLI.


The new GRC Summit is scheduled for June 6 and 7. Didn’t the board members
Insist on a complete update on the impact of all new rules, mandates and regulations on our operational procedures?


Yes, and I've just informed Caroline Moneypenny from Compliance that the bank is asking for changes in our quarterly disclosures based upon new oversight demands and rules in the Financial Services Industry. She's already submitted the Compliance report on Bribery, Fraud and Corruption issues but now there are changes to the FCPA/Bribery Acts.


Make sure she attends this year's GRC conference. Last year there was several case studies that addressed all the new and best practices related to Risk Management, Governance issues and Compliance processes and programs and I think she'll get a great deal of knowledge out of it.


I agree. Last year we created our Whistle Blower Policy and CSR compliance code based upon what we learned at the GRC conference. I'll also think ITA from IT must find the time to attend, since half the conference will be dedicated to issues that focus on automation, audit trails and documentation.


Perfect. That's in line with the stakeholders who want to see us improve Governance, risk management and compliance culture across the organization. Let me call one of the sponsors of the conference directly, I'm sure that they will give us discount if four of us attend. Now go home to take care of your wife and kids, see you in the morning.

GEORGE hangs up the phone and turns his attention back to the GRC brochure. He begins to read the Conference program in detail.

Opening Key Note to set the tone of the Copenhagen Compliance conference is:

Jesper Lau Hansen, Professor, dr.jur. University of Copenhagen.

Key Note: The sweeping changes in Corporations and European Financial Markets: How the current financial and credit crisis has fundamentally changed the way corporations and financial markets are regulated and supervised.

To be continued in the next Newsletter with information on the conference when GEORGE RISKIT, ROBERT M. ICOMPLI, CAROLINE MONEYPENNY AND Ms. ITA, the IT Manager, continue their discussion on THE HOW AND THE WHY of:

Good Governance Is Good Business, Accounting and Audit Functions and Issues are vital, How to Start a Compliance Function from ground Zero, Business cases on Fraud and Corruption with reference to BA and FCPA can cost a bundle, Regulating Internal Controls can also safeguard employee interests, 3rd Party Compliance Issues means that you cannot outsource your responsibilities and liabilities, Oversight Reporting Updates because the authorities are being criticized for not taking a tough stand on the culprits so we all have to pay, Managing Internal GRC Investigations as part of the recovery is essentially added profits, How to Improve Your GRC Handling Process, Fraud and Detection, Integrating Risk Appetite and Risk Management are 2 sides of the same coin, regular workshops on Ethics and Culture are training that you cannot avoid, Do you really know where your Anti-Corruption Program is Heading? Integrate the Cloud Computing into Your Data Security Program if you want to recover all files on time, ITA recommends using IT to make Governance, risk Management and Compliance easier, She also uses IT and Risk Metrics to Measure Compliance Effectiveness, What's Mandatory & What's Common Sense in your GRC Processes, Enterprise Risk Management Programs must be revisited regularly.