Christian Harris
Christian Harris, Safety, facilities, risk & insurance professional
Christian supports clients to achieve:
✅ Making existing floors (of any kind) safe, even when wet - our technicians physically improve the safety & aesthetics of floors (with high-tech anti-slip treatments & specialist deep cleaning to "clean the floors you thought were uncleanable")
✅ Giving peace of mind - an annual maintenance programme documents you're taking reasonable & practicable steps to reduce risk
✅ Avoiding the need to replace floors - prevents expensive closures, downtime & capex
✅ Verifying all our work - with the HSE- and court-approved pendulum slip test
✅ Ensuring all six causes of slips ("CHIMES") are tackled
✅ Awarding an annual Slip Safety Certificate - gives you certainty your risk is under control & the proof you need to defend insurance claims

Pierre Lauquin
– Risk & Business Continuity Manager, Centrale de compensation CdC
During our life, uncertainty and chance are the norm. As a manager in charge of Risk and Business Continuity Management, I put all my energy and experience at the company's service to quantify these uncertainties and present a situation assessment that is as pragmatic and rational as possible to people who make the decisions.
Preparing the company to face the imponderables (material and human) is a demanding and exciting mission, which requires the best of all and work at the heart of the company, where sometimes it does not want to go. That's the price the company has to pay to survive..

Michał Jezierski
Director of Risk Management and Compliance @ Grupa Kęty S.A.
An accomplished finance professional (Chartered Accountant) combining strong business acumen with over 15 years of experience in successfully delivering finance, accounting, audit and compliance roles in a global setting. A result-driven leader with collaborative leadership style, underpinned with mentoring and coaching multicultural teams. Excellent stakeholder management and strong interpersonal skills. Proficiency in project management and an effective change ambassador.

Kersi F. Porbunderwala
Secretary-General, Copenhagen Compliance
Kersi F. Porbunderwalla is also Managing Partner of E-Compliance Academy, Information Security Institute and EUGDPR Institute®. Kersi is a global consultant, teacher, instructor, researcher, commentator and practitioner on GDPR, Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and IT-security (GRC), Bribery, Fraud and anti-Corruption (BFC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues. Kersi has lectured at The Copenhagen Business School (1984-97), The Govt. Law College (Thrissur, India), Georgetown University (Washington), Cass Business School (London), Fordham University (New York) and Renmin Law School (Beijing). Kersi has conducted some hundred workshops, seminars and speaking assignments on Regulatory Compliance, GDPR, GRC, CSR, and BFC issues.

Wajahat Raja
Auditor, Digital Transformation, Cyber Security, Payment Services
Wajahat Raja is an Auditor, Trainer assessor and Practitioner with Two decades of experience related to Program, Portfolio and Project (P3O), Service Management, Information Security, Quality Management, Testing, Auditing, Certification, Compliance, IT Governance, and Risk management.
During this professional journey, he worked with Banks, Capital Markets, Stock Exchange, Government, Telecom, Insurance, Managed Service Provider to manage and Implemented various projects as Project and Program manager related to IT Strategy, IT Best Practices, Management Systems, IT Governance, Risk, Regulatory and Compliance Frameworks Standards.
This has been achieved while working closely with Nasdaq, SunGuard, Booz Allen Hamilton, PA consulting, BT Consult, BCG, Protiviti, KPMG, EY and many other industry leaders. He worked and Implemented BMC myITSM, CA ValueOps, AutomationEdge, Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM), OneTrust, Teammate, and many others. Certified for multiple reputable certifications of Axelos portfolio such as ITIL Expert, PRINCE2, P3O, and management standards such as ISO 20000, ISO 27001. He delivered various training as accredited trainer of Peoplecert, PECB and various other educational providers as well.

Prof. Hernan Huwyler, CPA, MBA,
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Danske Bank
Hernan Huwyler CPA, MBA is the head of Supplier Due Diligence Compliance Strategy and Procurement Center of Excellence ar Danske Bank. His expertise includes Global Corporate Governance, Global Risk Management ERM, Compliance, Audit, SAP, Fraud & Security, SOX Controls and more.

Colin Coulson-Thomas
Board Advisor, Expert in responsible board leadership, transition and transformation
Prof. Colin Coulsen-Thomas is a Cornish Campaigner, Author, Chairman, Academic, Speaker and Corporate Adviser. Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas has advised over 100 boards on improving board and corporate performance. As a distinguished Research Professor, Colin has the following merits:
Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management-Research (SRISIIM)
President, Council of International Advisors, SRISIIM
Member, Board of Governing Directors, SRISIIM Research Foundation
Chairman, Research Degree Committee, SRISIIM Research Foundation
Honorary Professor, Aston India Centre for Applied Research (Aston University)
Visiting Professor of Direction and Leadership, Lincoln International Business School (University of Lincoln)
Chancellor and Professorial Fellow, School for the Creative Arts
Leader, Order of St Lazarus International Governance Initiative
President, Institute of Management Services
Member, Global Advisory Council, IOD India
Director General, UK & Europe operations, Institute of Directors (India)
Member, Experts Committee, IOD India
Member, ACCA Governance, Risk and Performance Global Forum
Member, Advisory Board/Panel, Aravind Foundation
Global Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainability (India CSR)

Emmanuel Fragnière
Director of the CAS HES-SO - Treasury Management
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Valais, Switzerland
Dr Emmanuel Fragnière, CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), is a Professor of Service Design and Innovation and the director of the CAS HES-SO in Treasury Management at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais). His research interests are risk management, energy and environmental planning, stochastic programming and service design and innovation. He has published several papers in academic journals such as Annals of Operations Research, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, European Journal of Operational Research, Interfaces, and Management Science. Before joining HES-SO, he used to be a commodity risk analyst at Cargill (Ocean Transportation) and a senior internal auditor at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (Risk Management and Financial Engineering).
He is also the author (with Sullivan) of a book titled "Risk Management: Safeguarding Company Assets", Axzo Press, USA, November 2006 (new edition 2015)..