Newsletter | Volume 1

Issue I
Issue II
Issue III
Issue IV
Issue V
Issue VI
Issue VII
Issue VIII
Issue IX
Issue X
Issue XI
Issue XII
Issue XIII
Issue XIV
Issue XV
Issue XVI
Issue XVII
Issue XIX
Issue XX
Issue XXI
Issue XXII
Issue XXIV
Issue XXV
Issue XXVI

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Compliance costs continue, and the fragmented approach to Compliance must discontinue. RegComTech® provides the answer.

The RegComTech® business application agenda is to customise the technology developments. RegComTech® addresses the duplication, integration, automation and streamlining issues, desired to address the mainstream next generation regulatory compliance components of Governance, Risk Intelligence, Compliance and IT-Security.

The RegComTech® platform is easy to implement, with a goal to improve and create value from regulatory compliance and reporting results. The RegComTech® roadmap and framework consists of a series of interconnected GRC components, designed to enhance the effectiveness of regulatory compliance;
  • Develop and use disruption and enforcement approaches (e.g., data analytics and targeting) to achieve more widespread knowledge of each GRC compliance activity.
  • Use and promote RegComTech GRC technology so that regulated entities, oversight and stakeholders can more easily see toxic GRC issues and the non-compliance business environmental conditions thru a unique monitoring and controls methodology.
  • The focus on all internal and external disclosures helps to make the GRC reporting accurate, complete, and efficient while helping all stakeholders, to get updated information to improve effectiveness, accountability and transparency.
  • Develop the accountability and transparency by making information more accessible to all stakeholders. The focus on accountability and transparency issues will identify the GRC process and skills gaps for non-compliance opportunities.

Organisations that have mandated risk and compliance reporting must evaluate the agility and sustainability of their current approach. The growing costs, complexity and regulatory scrutiny is a good business case to investigate the integrated RegComTech approach to;
  • Cost-effectively maintain and enhance the reporting system(s)
  • Remain compliant by adapting system(s) to meet emerging requirements
  • Provide assurance and remediation capabilities

The RegComTech® compliance program starts with a workshop where the board of directors to provide the right tone-at-the-top to senior management and GRC officers to adjust, educate, train and ensure that the right and flexible 0new skills are available quickly and efficiently throughout the organisation